Lodge Rental
8 Rooms, Double Occupancy
SCI members receive discounted rates on all services
All rooms are equipped with:
- Electricity
- Refrigerator
- Full Bath
- Running Water
- Kitchenette
- Cutlery/dishes/pots/pans
- Use of washer and dryer
- All access to Gathering Rooms
Also available:
- Fishing and Hunting Licenses
- Camp sites for tents and trailers
- Boats and motors
- Bait fishing tackle
- Grocery store
- Fish freezer
- Electric cold storage
- Gas and oil
- Ice

Outpost Camps
- Camps are registered with the FPQ and can have exclusive hunting rights
- Camps can be rented for Moose Hunting and Fishing only
- Total guide service available
- European and American packages available